

4.3K. 138K views 3 years ago A 2.1 Grammar. In this lesson you will learn the German adjective endings for the accusative case. Or in your textbook it might be written like: Adjektivdeklination...

Learn how to decline German adjectives with Lingolia, then test your knowledge in the exercises. See the different types of adjective declension, the exceptions and the comparative and superlative forms.

In diesem Video schauen wir uns ein paar Kommentare von euch an und ich korrigiere diese live im Stream (natürlich mit eurer Hilfe). Dann machen wir zu jedem Thema (Adjektivdeklination ...

Learn how to change articles and adjective endings according to gender, case and number in German grammar. Download a table with 44 possible forms and endings for each category and gender. Find out the 5 most common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Learn how to decline adjectives in German according to case, gender, and article. See simple rules, tables, and examples for definite, indefinite, and zero articles.

Closed 7 years ago. I'm learning about the different adjektivdeklination, and I tried to come up with my own sentence, using adjectives. Meine hübsch Mädchen besucht kein klein Museum. By my understanding, there should not be an added ending on hübsch neither on klein, since I have choosen to use mein and kein.

(Adjektivdeklination) Adjective Declension means that you must match the Adjective Endings to the appropriate case ( Nominative , Accusative , Dative , Genitive ) to the Genus (Masculine, Feminine, Neutral, Plural) and to the article preceding the Adjective.

In German, you have to add an ending to an adjective if it comes before a noun. This is known as "declination". The ending is determined by the gender, the kind of article used ( der, ein, etc.) and the case (nominative, accusative, dative or genitive). Die Gäste sind nett. → Die nett en Gäste sind da.

Lerne, wie Du Adjektive in der deutschen Sprache an das Substantiv anpasst. Erfahre, welche Endungen Du nach bestimmten, unbestimmten, negativen oder possessiven Artikeln verwenden musst.

Superlative adjectives in German. The superlative (der Superlativ) expresses the highest degree of something (the best, the worst, the tallest …).. For adjectives that we don't need to decline, we form the superlative with am + …-sten.. Examples: lustig → am lustigsten funny → the funniest Ich fand den Clown am lustigsten. I thought that clown was the funniest.

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